
We offer the following specialist and subspecialist examinations, medical treatments and hospital services for your needs.

Words of Wisdom

A good doctor’s comforting and reassuring words are sometimes more powerful than medicines.
Good doctors understand responsibility better than privilege and practice accountability better than business.
A physician is obligated to consider more than a diseased organ, more even than the whole man – he must view the man in his world.
Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity. – Hippocrates.
Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.  – Hippocrates.
I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.
Whatever you do, do with determination. You have one life to live; do your work with passion and give your best. Whether you want to be a chef, doctor, actor, or a mother, be passionate to get the best result. 

Touching Gifts from our Patients

Pictures that represent the love and gratefulness our patients have for us…


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Pregnancy Monitoring?

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Planning a pregnancy?

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Trimester Chart

Take a glimpse into the weeks of caring for your baby…

  • 5

    You Should Know

    If you were to have transvaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks pregnant, your doctor might be able to detect a gestational sac with a yolk sac inside.

  • 7

    Fetal Development

    Your doctor is able to confirm the presence of one or more embryos/ assess the gestational age/ cofirm the presence of a heartbeat/ check the size of the embryo.

  • 12

    What does my baby look like in week 12?

    Your baby, although tiny, is fully formed. They are about the size of a pulm. Time to perform first trimestar screenin which is combination of fetal ultrasound and maternal blood testing. It can help to determine the risk of the fetus having certain birth defects.

1st Trismester

week 1 - week 12
  • 18-20

    Morphology Ultrasound

    A second trimestar morphology ultrasound is perfomed in the middle part of the pregnancy, usually between 18 and 20 weeks gestation.This transabdominal ultrasound will can confirm that your baby is growing and developing normaly.

  • 24

    Pregnancy Checks

    Time to take a glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes-a high blood sugar condition that can affect pregnant woman.

  • 28-32


    The ultrasound to estimate the fetal size. Measurements can be taken of the fetus’s head and abdomen and compared with a growth chart to estimate fetal weight.

2nd Trismester

week 13 - week 28
  • 37


    The ultrasound is done in order to give following informations: the fetus prezenation, the amount of amniotic fluid, the position of your placenta, the common fetal biometry measurements (BPD, AC and FL). This is done to determine baby’s weight. At 37 weeks, your pregnancy is considered full-term.

  • 38


    Cardiotocography or CTG is a test usually done in the third trimestar of pregnancy.It is done to see if your baby’s heart beats at a normal range and variability.

  • 40


    Childbirth, also known as labor and delivery, is the ending of a pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a woman’s uterus by vaginal passage or ceasarean section.

*units in weeks

3rd Trismester

week 29 - week 40